Tea Themed Zipper Pouch - Sewers Club Tutorial

Time for another tea-torial 🫖

Prior to beginning please cut the required materials. Images at the bottom of the post correspond with the steps in the sewing instructions. 

Sewing Instructions🪡
1. Join the 7” x 7” cup base pieces with the 2 1/4” x 7” cup rim pieces (1/4” seam allowance). Press. The pieces will measure 8 3/4” x 7” and will be the front/back of the pouch.

2. Cut 2 pieces of Fusible Fleece the same size as the front/back pieces (8 3/4” x 7”) and fuse to the wrong side of each piece. Quilt using a design of your choice. Trim down to 6 1/2” x 7”, making sure that the top rim is 1 1/2” in height. Curve the bottom corners using a mug with a radius of approx. 2 1/2”. Once trimmed, cut 2 lining pieces the same size as the front and back pieces (6 1/2” x 7”).

3. With the handle piece, press in half to crease the middle. Bring the raw edges of the longer sides in to meet the creased middle. Fold again so that the raw edges are folded in. Sew closed. Add any additional decorative seams. Align the raw edges of the handle piece with the left or right side of (1) front/back piece. One end should be aligned with the seam (1” from the top) and the other 2” lower. Baste.

4. Trim the zipper to 5 3/4”. Place (1) 2 1/4” x 1” zipper tab on each end of the zipper with right sides facing. Sew across (1/2” seam allowance). Flip to the back of the zipper and fold 1/2” in, then 1/2” over the end of the zipper. Sew across.

5. Align the zipper with the top 7” edge of (1) lining piece. The back should face the right side of the fabric. Place (1) front/back piece on top with right sides facing and the zipper in between. Sew across. Open and repeat with the remaining side of the zipper, (1) lining piece, and (1) front/back piece.

6. Open and press. Sew a top-stitch on both sides of the zipper.

7. Open the zipper. Bring the lining pieces together and the front/back pieces together with right sides facing. Sew around using a 1/2” seam allowance, leaving at least a 2” opening in the lining. Where the zipper is located, it should bend toward the lining. Do not sew on the tabs.

8. Trim excess around to reduce bulk. Turn inside out and press. Add any handmade tags or decorations you would like to add. Sew the opening in the lining closed by hand or by machine.

& you’re done!👏


Pouch Tutorial by Sewers Club


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